If you are located on Waiheke Island, I offer the convenience of bringing my services directly to you, ensuring your comfort and privacy within the confines of your home. Contact me to discuss fees.
Shambhala Sacred Shop
Located in the Heart of Oneroa, Shambhala Sacred Shop possess an intimate Healing room ready to receive you at any time.
Address: 139 Oceanview rd, Oneroa, Waiheke Island
Website : ShambhalaSacredShop.co.nz
Contact : 09 558 7177
Waiheke Mystery School
For more privacy and a deeper inner journey, join me in our private Healing room at the Waiheke Mystery School.
Address: 45 Hamilton rd, Surfdale, Waiheke Island
Website : WaihekeMysterySchool.co.nz
A non-profit organisation consciously involved in awakening of the Human race at this time of great transformation.
We believe that to achieve change on a global level, first transformation on a personal level must take place.
Our approach is to bring about this change by the way of meditation and love, awareness and compassion, freedom and joy.
We organise events and workshops that support and develop these qualities in an individual. We are not affiliated with any religion. We simply focus on empowering people to be loving, joyous and free.